Tuesday 24 January 2012

A Wireframe Volcano

I love this picture, the way it looks a lot like a volcano. I took this picture in the front yard of a house, it was fortunate that the yard hadn't been mowed for a while. It's amazing how the spider web is drenched in dew, if the dew hadn't been there, the web would be practically invisible. I very much like how the sun lights this picture, the light of the sun reflects of the droplets of water that outline the web giving a bit of a shine, and the light also gives the grass a very bright shade of green. That blade of grass sticking out of the bottom-right corner is very annoying, the picture would have been better without it. I like how the focus gets blurrier and blurrier as you move towards the top of the image.

Sunday 22 January 2012

It Just Doesn't Seem To Fit

I haven't been able to post for a while, sorry about that (to the few who ever look at my blog) . I took this picture in Melaka, Peninsular Malaysia. I'm not completely sure, but I think I took it in the late afternoon, I may have decreased the shutter speed as much as I could (making it darker), but I can't quite recall. What I like about this picture is its depth. Because lower parts of the mosque poke into higher parts of the mosque (from a 2D point of view), which gives a weird look. In fact, it looks like two different photos put together, the tower in the background being from one picture, and the corner of the building and the windows above it being from another picture, an interesting effect results. But I assure you, this is one picture, there was no photo shopping or shafting together two different photos, this is the original photo. Another good thing about his photo is the clouds in the sky, it gives the mosque a sort of dominating look, and the dreary and gloomy looking weather affects the building in a dark way.