Monday 14 May 2012

Rolling Hills

I've put a shadow effect on this picture, it was a bit too bright for my liking originally. In this photo I really like the way the hills sort of tumble over each other, and also how the shadows of the clouds overhead drastically change the shade of green on certain sections of the landscape.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Shadowed Park


 I put a slight darkening effect on this photo, because I felt that that grass and the lighting would look better if it had a warmer, glowing look about it. I like the fact that the focus on the trees isn't quite perfect, it gives the picture a soft look.

Thursday 10 May 2012

A Spiny Leaf Insect

The is a picture of a Spiny Leaf insect, of the species Extatosoma. To get the species and the name of this insect I emailed an entomologist working at the University of Queensland (UQ). The focus on the insect isn't quite perfect, but it's good enough. The level of focus on the background bush is fitting I think, reasonably out of focus in the far background, and better in the close, but not anywhere getting as sharp as the focus on the lower parts of the insect itself.