Wednesday 30 October 2013

Sky On Fire

I like this picture very much, because the the soft sunlight sets the clouds on fire, giving them an almost heavenly look. I have not edited this picture at all.

Ripples to the Sand

This is a picture I took when I was on holiday at a beautiful little island resort. I was trying to somehow capture the water meeting the sand, in a beautiful way. I tried a few different angles, and then had a try at just taking the picture directly from the side, and it worked well. I love this picture because it puts the water and the sand on the same level, allowing the viewer to see a sudden but at the same time gradual change from sand to water. I also like the pristine focus on a portion of the water.

Wednesday 17 July 2013


I took this picture on a beach, on the east coast of Australia, at night. It's a fifteen second exposure, making the moon look unnaturally bright. I really like the focus on the sand. The light on the water also adds a lot to the picture. Because it's a fifteen second exposure, all the waves have churned together to become a still, flat sea.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Something Different

This a an electric-acoustic guitar. I'm trying at the moment to expand my skills, and get better at taking pictures other than just nature close up. So, this was a bit of an experiment, which I thought worked out quite well.


These flowers are called Ixoras. I wish more humans had names like that.
I really like the focus here, it's crucial to the beauty of the image. I like the way you can't at all tell what the background is, because it's so completely blurred. And here I'm trying to take a step back, and take the picture a bit further away from the object than I usually do.

More Gerberas

This I really like because the focus is just on the tips of the petals of the gerbera that sits in the foreground. I also think having another gerbera in the background gives the picture more beauty.

You Don't Need It All

This is a Gerbera. Something I like about this picture is that it doesn't actually show the whole flower, and it's not all in perfect focus. But where it is in focus, it looks almost perfect, pristine.

Apple Art

The focus isn't quite perfect on this, and wish that the lighting could have allowed for the red of the apple to be a bit, and solid. The reflection of light on the surface of the apple is unfortunate. The background isn't exactly fitting. But all round a nice picture. Taken on a Sony A550.

Three Bucks

This is a thirty second exposure I took, using a Sony A550. I particularly like the focus on the two dollar coin, and the way it kind of glows. And, yes, I actually got it balancing on top of the fifty cent piece.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Plasma Filaments

Been rather busy lately, so I haven't posted in a while. Here's an extremely cool picture (well, I think it is). Now, I assure you, no editing was done on this picture after I took it. This is a picture of one of my fingers pressed against the glass of a plasma lamp. If you don't know what a plasma lamp is, look it up.
The focus on this picture is not fantastic, but I still really like it just because it's an amazing picture.