Wednesday 19 October 2011

Four in A Row

I took this picture very recently, using super macro. If you observe carefully you may notice the reflection of a palm tree in the droplet that is second from left. I went out side one day to take some photos, and I saw lots of water droplets on the leaves and flowers, so I let fly, I took about 50 pictures of water droplets. Water droplets are often very difficult to get a good picture of, because when you're taking a picture of a water droplet that's on a leaf, it's very hard not to shake the leaf or the camera or both. You don't want to shake the camera because then the focus will be bad, and you don't want shake the leaf because then you will upset the water droplet or make the picture out of focus. You can see in this photo that although the 2 center water droplets are perfectly defined, while the 2 outside ones are a bit blurred. I like the effect that the blur has on the water droplet at the far right, but the picture would have looked better if the droplet at the far left was more defined.

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