Saturday 26 November 2011

A Golden Path

I took this picture in Melaka, Malaysia. It was actually in a cemetery. This was the path leading up the hill that the cemetery was on. I have edited this picture, because there were some large wooden objects sticking up out of the ground to the left of where the brick path is. And also to the right of the path, where the branches of a tree are bending down into the view of the picture, those branches are mostly not there. I edited them in because there were some buildings in the background that were visible through the branches, and they kind of detracted from the image. What I love about this picture is that even though it's just a reddish brown brick path, the sun gives the bricks a brilliant golden shimmer. And you can't really tell what the bricks look like in real life, they might be made of stone, or wood.

Thursday 10 November 2011

The Earphones

Now, usually I post pictures of natural creation, but I really wanted to post this picture, and so here it is. This is a picture of the "earphones" sign and the earphones plug hole on the side of a computer speaker. I like this picture because of the focus, this picture is almost all about the focus. The strip of perfect focus going down the middle of the picture is what makes this picture look good. If the focus was on the far left part of the picture, and the earphones sign and the plug hole were blurred, this picture wouldn't look good. It's a rare thing that I take super macro pictures of this sought of thing. What sort of title of are you supposed to give to a picture like this?

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Mist and Shadow, Cloud and Shade

I took this picture on the Gold Coast in Australia, from the top of a Norfulk Pine. This is one of the pictures that I took using a Canon Powershot A470. One thing I don't like about this picture is how the pine fronds (the ones coming from the bottom of the picture to about halfway up) kind of intrude into the view of the mountains. But apart from that I particularly like this picture. I love how at the bottom of the picture it starts out dark and gradually, as you go up the picture, it gets lighter and lighter until it's a clear, blue sky. And the slightly indistinct focus on the mountains makes the picture look somehow more natural, as though the picture was actually seen by the eye, not taken by a camera.

Monday 7 November 2011

An Empty House

I took this picture on a wall a the back of a house. The focus is not quite perfect, the shell itself looks quite blurry. The little twig kind of detracts from the picture, but not terribly. It would have been better if the focus on the shell was better and the twig wasn't there.