Friday 30 March 2012

A Lush Green

Well, I have been on holiday for about a month, and so didn't get a chance to post, but I'm back. I got many, many, pictures while I was away, and hopefully many of them will be appearing on this blog in future. This is not one of the pictures I took while I was away, I took this quite a long time ago, in mid 2010. This is one of my pictures that I took using a Canon Power Shot A470. One of the things that I absolutely love about this picture, is, of course, the focus. But also I like the leaf itself, it has such a brilliant green hue. The focus is very nicely defined and the focus on the leaves is contrasts immensely with the focus of the background, which is, of course, what I want. A few things that could have been better about this picture: You may notice that on the biggest leaf, the focus decreases as you go towards the point of the leaf, that's good, but I think it gets blurry too quickly and so by the time you get to the far edge of the biggest leaf, its too blurry, it's almost as blurry as the background, which is bad. Also, on the little leaf, to the right of and just under the biggest leaf, I think on the right edge, the focus is a bit too blurry. For the three tiny leaves in the bottom-left corner of the picture, I think they are too out of focus. Oh, and one other thing that I just noticed, on the biggest leaf, on the edge that is nearest to the bottom of the picture, I the focus is not quite enough. But apart from all that, I do like this picture.

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