Monday 13 August 2012

What Light Reveals

This is one of my favourite pictures, I've been wanting to post it for a while.
This ring, in bright light, isn't very attractive. But here, in this soft, genuine light, and at this distance, the intricate design is shown more clearly, and the brilliance of the stone set in the ring is much more pronounced. In most of my pictures that are taken at this sort of distance, I like the main part of the image to be in good, clear focus, and then I like the picture to grow less and less defined as you go towards the less important parts of the image. But here, the ring quite suddenly comes into focus just as the metal is starting to thicken (as it goes up towards the stone), and I like the effect that results. Also, the scratches on the wood give the picture a defined look. I didn't put any effects on this picture, it is not edited in any way.

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