Tuesday 6 December 2011

A Gold Flooded Sky

I cannot decide weather this picture would be better with or without the aeroplane in the picture. Anyway, this picture was taken in Singapore airport, it was taken through the window of one of the lounges where you sit and wait for your aeroplane. I very much like how the light of the sun reflects off the yellow on the ground very nicely. One thing that really annoys me in this picture is the dark thing in the top left corner of the picture. Something about the picture that I could not have changed is about the trees. Just below the sun, where the trees rise in height, I think the trees get too close to the sun (in a 2D perspective), the sun should be more isolated from the trees. And the trees at the far left of the picture are to indistinct, I would have liked better focus there. But apart from that, this is among my favourite sunrise/sunset pictures.

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